#noindex [[절,clause]]의 모임(collection). (foldoc) // [[컬렉션,collection]] CHK '''문장'''중에서, 명확히 [[참,true]]/[[거짓,false]]을 밝힐 수 있는 게 [[명제,proposition]]이고 (문장의 일부가 명제) 명제 중 증명된 것이 [[정리,theorem]]인지? (명제의 일부가 정리)? MKL formula와? closed_formula = sentence [* [[WpEn:Sentence_(mathematical_logic)]]] [[명제,proposition]] [[명제proposition]]와? "논리학에서 proposition sentence 차이" Ggl:"논리학에서 proposition sentence 차이" Bing:"논리학에서 proposition sentence 차이" Naver:"논리학에서 proposition sentence 차이" "proposition vs sentence in logic" Ggl:"proposition vs sentence in logic" '''문장,sentence'''은 [[명제식,propositional_formula?action=highlight&value=문장,sentence]]과 동의어일 수 있음, see 저기의 we. [[술어,predicate]]와 sentence ? = Sub = [[선언문장,declarative_sentence]] [[원자문장,atomic_sentence]] w Srch:atomic_sentence [[문장논리,sentential_logic]] ≃ [[명제논리,propositional_logic]] ≃ [[영차논리,zeroth-order_logic]] ...([[VG:불_논리%2CBoolean_logic?action=highlight&value=문장논리%2Csentential_logic]]) // 밑에 [[포뮬러,formula]]s [[문장형식,sentence_form]] =문장형식,sentence_form =,sentence_form . 문장형식 sentence_form { '''sentence form''' 문장형식 sentence_form } // sentence form Ggl:"sentence form" [[Horn_sentence]] Ndict:"Horn 문장" Rel. [[Horn_clause]] Ndict:"Horn 절" - [[절,clause]] ... curr at [[절,clause?action=highlight&value=Horn_clause]] [[sentential_formula]] =,sentential_formula . sentential_formula { sentential formula WtEn:sentential_formula x [[Date(2023-09-11T20:18:16)]] WpEn:Sentential_formula [[MW:SententialFormula]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SententialFormula.html "sentential formula" Ggl:"sentential formula" [[Date(2023-11-23T04:32:56)]] 'sentential formula'는 [[명제식,propositional_formula]]의 한 표현일 수 있음(동의어일 수 있음), see 저기의 wpen. Sub: [[open_sentential_formula]] [[closed_sentential_formula]] } [[open_sentential_formula]] =,open_sentential_formula . open_sentential_formula - w { open sentential formula "A sentential formula that contains at least one free variable (Carnap 1958, p. 24). A sentential variable containing no free variables (i.e., all variables are bound) is called a closed sentential formula." https://mathworld.wolfram.com/OpenSententialFormula.html Ggl:"open sentential formula" Up: [[sentential_formula]] [[openness]]/[[열린,open]]/[[열림성,openness]]? } [[closed_sentential_formula]] =,closed_sentential_formula . closed_sentential_formula - w { closed sentential formula "is a sentential formula in which none of the variables are free (i.e., all variables are bound)" https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ClosedSententialFormula.html Ggl:"closed sentential formula" Up: [[closed_sentential_formula]] [[closedness]]/[닫힌,closed] } [[sentential_variable]] =,sentential_variable . sentential_variable - w sentential variable sentential variable, also called a propositional variable // propositional_variable [[명제,proposition]] .... 명제변수 = 문장변수 https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SententialVariable.html WtEn:sentential_variable WpEn:Sentential_variable Ggl:"sentential variable" ADDHERE ADDHERE ADDHERE ADDHERE ADDHERE = Inter = == 영단어 'sentence' == ''꼭 문장으로 번역되지 않아도 되는. ....다른 번역들:'' [[MathWorld:Sentence]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Sentence.html [[WpSp:Sentence]] = https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence // wpsimple 대충번역, chk simple_sentence 하나의 [[절,clause]]과 하나의 independent_variable로 이뤄짐. compound_sentence 둘 이상의 [[절,clause]]을 가짐. 절들은 conjunction, punctuation, 또는 둘 다로 결합되어 있음. complex_sentence [[relative_clause]]을 포함. complex-compound_sentence 여러 절을 가지며 그 중 하나 이상이 relative_clause를 가짐. [[relative_clause]] - 관계절, 관계사절, 관계대명사절 중 pagename TBD. relative_clause =,relative_clause . relative_clause { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/관계절 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_clause } 논리학에서, '''sentence'''가, [[명제식,propositional_formula]](is a [[논리식,logical_formula]]) 와 동의어인지 아님 저걸 sentence라고 부르기도 하는지 MKSURE { [[Date(2023-05-23T16:43:47)]] (논리학에서) 객관적이고 논리적인 뜻(meaning)을 가진 '''문장,sentence'''을 [[진술,statement]]이라고 한다. [[Date(2024-01-15T06:13:01)]] (논리학 말고 일상생활 및 [[영어,English]]에서의 의미) [[Date(2024-01-15T05:58:11)]] from STATEMENT or SENTENCE: What's the difference? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFjJrQD_bcY * sentence : a grammatical unit that gives a __complete idea__ * statement : something you write that gives an __opinion or information__ about a topic (... 여기선 후자가 '진술'보다는 '의견 표명' 정도에 가까움) from https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/sentence-vs-statement sentence(=문장) : 완결된 생각^^complete thought^^을 표현하는 group of words. 일반적으로 한 [[주어,subject]]와 한 [[술어,predicate]]([[동사,verb]]를 포함)를 가지고 있음. statement : a specific type of sentence. 선언하는 문장이거나([[선언문장,declarative_sentence]]), 사실/의견/믿음을 표현하는 문장. ''여기에 따르면 declarative sentence = 선언문장 = 선언문 ...은 statement.'' (SUNY 이산구조 강의 > how to write proofs 자료) https://math.libretexts.org/Courses/SUNY_Schenectady_County_Community_College/Discrete_Structures/01%3A_Introduction_to_Writing_Proofs_in_Mathematics/1.01%3A_Statements_and_Conditional_Statements 여기서도 바로 위와 같은 말, "In mathematics, a statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false but not both." 즉 [[진술,statement]]은 declarative sentence([[선언문장,declarative_sentence]], [[선언,declaration]]하는 '''문장,sentence'''이다.) (추가로 수학에서 진술^^statement^^은, 참 또는 거짓 중의 하나여야 하며, 둘 다는 안된다는 조건까지.) "A statement is sometimes called a proposition." ([[진술,statement]]을 가끔 [[명제,proposition]]라고 부른다.) } ---- https://foldoc.org/sentence { [[절,clause]]s들의 한(a) collection. [[definite_sentence]] : A collection of [[definite_clause]]s. https://foldoc.org/definite+sentence } https://planetmath.org/sentence http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Sentence { linguistic_sentence - http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Linguistic_Sentence [[언어학,linguistics]]? ungrammatical_sentence - http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Ungrammatical_Sentence un[[문법,grammar]]?? formal_sentence - http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Formal_Sentence [[형식,form]]? or formalism or formality ? logic_sentence - http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Logic_Sentence [[논리학,logic]]? - aka [[적형식,wff]] } WpEn:Sentence [[Date(2023-11-23T04:32:56)]] 'sentence'는 [[명제식,propositional_formula]]의 한 표현일 수 있음(동의어일 수 있음), see 저기의 wpen. 언어학의 sentence [[WpEn:Sentence_(linguistics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_(linguistics) == 한국어 '문장' (del or move ok) == Libre:문장 WpKo:문장 Ndict:문장 KmsK:문장 NdEn:문장