#noindex ##=변수,variable =,variable 변수 variable <> ---- 변수 관련표현들. (많아지면 아래 section으로.) [[변량,variate]] =변량,variate =,variate . 변량 variate { 번역? KmsE:variate KpsE:variate Ndict:variate 변량 [[WtEn:variate]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/variate n. [[WtEn:variate#Noun]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/variate#Noun adj. [[WtEn:variate#Verb]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/variate#Verb MathWorld:Variate = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Variate.html 특정 [[probability_experiment]]에만 적용되는 게 아닌, [[확률변수,random_variable]]을 [[일반화,generalization]]한 그런 개념의 일종?? [[VG:변량,variate]] } // 변량,variate [[univariate]] =,univariate =,univariate . univariate { univariate 번역? KmsE:univariate x 2023-12 일변량 다변량 중에 [[WtEn:univariate]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/univariate adj. "Having or involving a single variable" n. "A [[다항식,polynomial]] or [[함수,function]] with only one variable" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univariate https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Univariate.html "involving one variable" univariate function https://mathworld.wolfram.com/UnivariateFunction.html "A function of a single variable" } // univariate [[bivariate]] =,bivariate =,bivariate . bivariate { bivariate 번역? 아마 이변량? KmsE:bivariate https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Bivariate.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bivariate ... Ndict:bivariate Ggl:bivariate } // bivariate [[다변량,multivariate]] =다변량,multivariate =,multivariate . 다변량 multivariate { multivariate 번역? KmsE:multivariate Sub: [[다변량확률변수,multivariate_random_variable]] { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_random_variable "a '''multivariate random variable''' or '''random vector''' is a list or vector of mathematical variables each of whose value is unknown, either because the value has not yet occurred or because there is imperfect knowledge of its value. " [[확률벡터,random_vector]] =확률벡터,random_vector =,random_vector 확률벡터 random_vector { '''random vector''' '''확률벡터''' via KmsE:"random vector". "random vector" Ggl:"random vector" Ndict:"random vector" WtEn:random_vector x [[Date(2023-12-21T17:06:57)]] } // random vector 와 동의어? "multivariate random variable" Ndict:"multivariate random variable" Ggl:"multivariate random variable" } [[다변량분석,multivariate_analysis]] { Sub: [[다변량공분산분석,multivariate_covariance_analysis,MANCOVA]] ( w rr; Ggl:MANCOVA Ndict:MANCOVA ) Ndict:다변량분석 Ggl:다변량분석 } // 다변량분석 [[WtEn:multivariate]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/multivariate having/involving multiple variables. [[MathWorld:Multivariate]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Multivariate.html [[WpEn:Multivariate]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate ... Ndict:Multivariate Ggl:"proofwiki Multivariate" } <> = Sub = Sub: == random variable (RV) 확률변수 == random random variable (RV) WtEn:random_variable =,random_variable =,RV . [[확률변수,RV]] - [[VG:확률변수,random_variable]] == register variable 레지스터변수 == register register variable register_variable =레지스터변수,register_variable =,register_variable . page exists: [[레지스터_변수,register_variable]] <- rename pagename == pointer == pointer [[포인터,pointer]] : [[메모리주소,memory_address]]를 담는 '''변수'''. pointer_variable ? WtEn:pointer_variable WpEn:pointer_variable WtEn:pointer == (discrete vs continuous:) == [[WpEn:Continuous_or_discrete_variable]] == discrete variable 이산 == [[WpEn:Continuous_or_discrete_variable#Discrete_variable]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_or_discrete_variable#Discrete_variable == continuous variable 연속 == discrete continuous [[이산변수,discrete_variable]] [[연속변수,continuous_variable]] { KmsE:"discrete variable" : 이산변수 KmsE:"continuous variable" : 연속변량, 연속변수 WtEn:discrete_variable WtEn:continuous_variable MKL [[이산확률변수,discrete_random_variable]] [[VG:이산확률변수,discrete_random_variable]] [[연속확률변수,continuous_random_variable]] [[VG:연속확률변수,continuous_random_variable]] Up: 이산성,discreteness 이산성,discreteness WtEn:discreteness 연속성,continuity 연속성,continuity WtEn:continuity } == (local vs nonlocal vs global:) == == local variable 지역변수 == local variable [[지역변수,local_variable]] { local variable [[scope]]가 Sub: static_local_variable or local_static_variable https://gunkies.org/wiki/Local_variable local variable (also called automatic storage, etc) [[WpKo:지역_변수]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/지역_변수 [[WpEn:Local_variable]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_variable } // local variable .... Ggl:"local variable" == non-local variable == nonlocal non-local [[non-local_variable]] { 비지역변수? [[WpEn:Non-local_variable]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-local_variable } == global variable 전역변수 == === (+ global static variable or static global variable) === global global variable [[전역변수,global_variable]] =전역변수,global_variable =,global_variable . { Sub: static_global_variable or global_static_variable { Up: [[static_variable]] [[global_variable]] } WpKo:전역_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/전역_변수 WpEn:Global_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_variable } == automatic variable 자동변수 == automatic variable [[자동변수,automatic_variable]] { MKLINK [[local_variable]] - 저게 더 일반적. static local variable도 있으므로. [[호출스택,call_stack]] Twins: WpKo:자동_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자동_변수 WpEn:Automatic_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_variable ... Google:자동변수 Google:automatic.variable } == static variable 정적변수 == === (+ static global variable) === static variable [[정적변수,static_variable]] { Sub: static_global_variable { [[WpEn:Static_variable#Static_global_variable]] } MKLINK [[정적메소드,static_method]] [[정적클래스,static_class]] 참고: `static` keyword [[WpKo:Static_(키워드)]] [[WpEn:Static_(keyword)]] Twins: WpEn:Static_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_variable WpKo:정적_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/정적_변수 } == external variable 외부변수 == external variable [[외부변수,external_variable]] =외부변수,external_variable =,external_variable . { WtEn:external_variable WpEn:External_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_variable } == class variable 클래스변수 == class variable [[클래스변수,class_variable]] =클래스변수,class_variable =,class_variable . { MKLINK [[클래스,class]] [[클래스메소드,class_method]] WpKo:클래스_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/클래스_변수 WpEn:Class_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_variable } == instance variable 인스턴스변수 == instance variable [[인스턴스변수,instance_variable]] { MKLINK [[인스턴스,instance]] [[인스턴스메소드,instance_method]] WpKo:인스턴스_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/인스턴스_변수 WpEn:Instance_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instance_variable .... Google:인스턴스변수 Google:instance.variable } == member variable == member variable member - [[멤버,member]] [[구성원,member]] ? [[member_variable]] =,member_variable =,member_variable . { 멤버변수? WpKo:멤버_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/멤버_변수 WpEn:Member_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_variable ... Google:member.variable } == undefined variable == undefined variable [[undefined_variable]] { MKLINK [[정의,definition]] [[선언,declaration]] 비정의 ? 정의되지않은 ? WpEn:Undefined_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undefined_variable } == own variable == own variable [[own_variable]] { [[알골,ALGOL]] https://www.pls-lab.org/en/Own_variables historical. 단점 설명되어있음. QQQ 근데 static_variable 과 정확한 차이가 뭐지? ... Google:algol+own+variable } == environment variable 환경변수 == environment variable environment [[환경,environment]] [[셸,shell]] [[환경변수,environment_variable]] =환경변수,environment_variable =,environment_variable . { WpKo:환경_변수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/환경_변수 WpEn:Environment_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable p OsEnvironmentVariables Up: [[환경,environment]] [[변수,variable]] } == (free vs bound:) == ([[lambda_calculus]]에서) abstraction = binding free variable. [[추상화,abstraction]] : to bind the free variable $x$ in $M.$ e.g. $\lambda x.yx$ 여기서 $x$ : bound_variable $y$ : free_variable 임. [[치환,substitution]] $[x:=N]$ 은 오로지 x의 free occurrences일 때만 수행된다. ''("only performed in the free occurrences of x:")'' $yx(\lambda x.x)[x:=N]\equiv yN(\lambda x.x)$ 미적분학에서도 비슷한 [[variable_binding]] =,variable_binding =,variable_binding . variable_binding { '''variable binding''' WtEn:variable_binding } // variable binding Ggl:"variable binding" Bing:"variable binding" Naver:"variable binding" .... Ggl:"변수 바인딩" Bing:"변수 바인딩" Naver:"변수 바인딩" 이 있다. $\int_a^b f(x,y)dx$ 에서 : $x$ is bound, $y$ is free. It does not make sense to substitute 7 for $x:$ $\int_a^b f(7,y)d7$ but substitution for $y$ makes sense: $\int_a^bf(x,7)dx$ 위생(hygiene)의 이유로, 특정 식에서 일어나는^^occurs^^ bound variables는 항상 free variables와 다르다고 가정한다. 이것은 bound variables의 이름바꾸기^^renaming^^을 통해 확실히 확인 가능''(...맞나? 혹은 '이름바꾸기를 해도 만족' 정도가 적당? ^^can be fulfilled^^)''하다. e.g. λx.x becomes λy.y 다음 식도 마찬가지 방식. (λx.x)a = a = (λy.y)a 사실 그들은 같은 algorithm을 표시한다^^denote^^. 그래서 bound variables 이름만 다른 [[식,expression]]s들은 동일하다^^are identified^^. from (Barendregt 2000 p7) Free and bound variables == free variable 자유변수? == free free variable [[자유변수,free_variable]] =자유변수,free_variable =,free_variable . free_variable { free variable [[WtEn:free_variable]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/free_variable [[MathWorld:FreeVariable]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/FreeVariable.html https://wiki.haskell.org/Free_variable MKLINK [[free_expression]], [[maximal_free_expression]] - curr [[식,expression]] https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Free_variable [[WpKo:자유_변수와_종속_변수]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자유_변수와_종속_변수 * 자유변수 free variable : 상수로 치환 가능''(? [[상수,constant]]로 [[치환,substitution]]해도 식의 의미,,[[semantics]]?,,가 변하지 않는다고 해야 명확하지 않나??)'' * 종속변수 bound variable : 상수로 치환하면 수식이 본래 의미를 잃게 되는 변수 * 종속변수 대신 가변수 dummy_variable 라고도 하나, 이는 회귀분석,,[[regression_analysis]],,용어로 더 많이 쓰인다 * programming/소스코드/...에서 자유변수 : [[전역변수,global_variable]] (i.e. 바깥에서 정의된), 종속변수: [[지역변수,local_variable]]이다 (? rationale?) [[WpEn:Free_variables_and_bound_variables]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_variables_and_bound_variables https://planetmath.org/FreeAndBoundVariables "free variable" Ndict:"free variable" Ggl:"free variable" Bing:"free variable" } == bound variable == bound bound variable [[bound_variable]] =,bound_variable =,bound_variable . bound_variable { 이건 종속변수 (wpko) 라 하는데 이게 최선인가? dependent_variable 과 겹침. 묶인변수 는 어떤가? 고정변수 ? 속박변수 - 도 보임 WtEn:bound_variable (TO CMP) WpKo:자유_변수와_종속_변수 (free vs bound) WpKo:독립변수와_종속변수 (indep vs dep) https://mathworld.wolfram.com/BoundVariable.html https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Bound_variable WpKo:자유_변수와_종속_변수 https://planetmath.org/FreeAndBoundVariables } == dummy variable == dummy variable dummy [[dummy_variable]] =,dummy_variable =,dummy_variable . { WtEn:dummy_variable see WpKo:자유_변수와_종속_변수 "종속 변수 대신 가변수(假變數, 영어: dummy variable)라고도 하나, ..." [[bound_variable]]을 dummy variable이라고 부르기도 함.[* https://mathworld.wolfram.com/BoundVariable.html] https://mathworld.wolfram.com/DummyVariable.html } [[WpEn:Dummy_variable_(statistics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dummy_variable_(statistics) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dummy_variable_%28statistics%29 == state variable == state variable state state_variable [[상태변수,state_variable]] - [[상태,state]] == statement variable == [[statement_variable]] - [[명제논리,propositional_logic]]의 variable(변수/변항/....). - ''curr at [[VG:명제논리,propositional_logic?action=highlight&value=statement_variable]]'' == predicate variable == predicate predicate variable predicate_variable [[술어,predicate]] [[predicate_variable]] - curr at [[술어,predicate]] == (mutable vs immutable:) mutable variable / immutable variable == mutable vs immutable mutable variable mutable_variable immutable variable immutable_variable [[mutability]] [[immutability]] [[mutation]] Ggl:"mutable variable / immutable variable" cf. [[불변성,invariance]] and [[invariant]] ... [[불변량,invariant]]? == schematic variable (logic) == [[schematic_variable]] =,schematic_variable =,schematic_variable . schematic_variable { schematic variable [[WtEn:schematic_variable]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/schematic_variable "A variable that appears in an axiom schema and ranges over formulas, distinguished from the variables of the axiom schema that are quantified over and that range over the individuals of the universe of discourse." WpEn:Schematic_variable redir to WpEn:Metavariable Ndict:"schematic variable" Ggl:"schematic variable" } == metavariable == [[metavariable]] =,metavariable =,metavariable . metavariable MKL [[schematic_variable]] (바로위section) ~~WtEn:Metavariable~~ x <- wt는 capitalization 중요.(wp와 달리.) WtEn:metavariable WpEn:Metavariable Ndict:Metavariable Ggl:Metavariable 메타변수 ?? KmsE:Metavariable Ndict:메타변수 Ggl:메타변수 == ADDHERE == == ADDHERE == ADDHERE ADDHERE ADDHERE = Topics = == variable initialization 변수초기화 == variable initialization variable_initialization - [[초기화,initialization]] { 변수초기화 MKLINK [[constructor]] [[destruction]] by [[destructor]] { [[WpEn:Object_lifetime#Object_destruction]] } [[finalization]] by [[finalizer]] { [[WpEn:Finalizer]] } [[WpKo:초기화_(프로그래밍)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/초기화_%28프로그래밍%29 [[WpEn:Initialization_(programming)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_%28programming%29 } == uninitialized variable 초기화되지않은변수? == uninitialized variable uninitialized_variable 초기화되지않은변수 { [[버그,bug]]의 원인 중 하나. WpEn:Uninitialized_variable = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninitialized_variable Ggl:"uninitialized variable" } == 변수변환 / 치환 / .... == ''(Caveat: '''variable'''의 [[값,value]]이 바뀌는 건 당연한 속성이고(다만 cf. immutable_variable) 이건 값 얘기 아님)'' 변수변환 / 치환 / .... variable의 치환/변환/substitution/change/바꾸기/exchange/바꾸기 바꿈 변화시키기 변화하기 .... 변수변환 change_of_variable / variable_change / 변수치환 variable_substitution 중에 pagename? [[치환,substitution]] [[change]] - WtEn:change 후보:{ [[체인지,change]] [[변화,change]] ... } NdEn:change [[changing]] - WtEn:changing 후보:{ [[체인징,changing]] } //// NdEn:changing ... WpKo:변수_변환 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/변수_변환 변수 치환 Ndict:"변수 치환" Ggl:"변수 치환" 변수 변환 Ndict:"변수 변환" Ggl:"변수 변환" == scope (TOFORK) == [[scope]] =,scope =,scope . scope { PHP의 변수는 네 가지 scope types 중 하나. * [[local_variable]]s * [[global_variable]]s * [[static_variable]]s * function parameters - [[function_parameter]]s - [[펑션,function]]의 [[parameter]]{ syn. [[argument]] } 으로 나뉨. local은 특정 function 안에서만, global은 모든 곳에서 접근 가능, // [[접근,access]] accessibility { 접근성 ? WtEn:accessibility NdEn:accessibility Ndict:accessibility Ggl:accessibility NdEn:접근성 Ggl:접근성 ... } static은 function의 실행이 끝나도(exit) 없어지지 않음 - 값을 유지 - 다음번 호출될 때 다시 값을 사용 가능. pagename: variable_scope or variable_scoping ? [[WpEn:Scope_(computer_science)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_(computer_science) } = MKLINK = [[타입,type]] '''변수'''는 그에 따른 type을 가짐 [[이름,name]] [[식별자,identifier]] '''변수'''의 [[이름,name]]은 [[식별자,identifier]] 변수는 [[대입,assignment]]으로 [[값,value]]을 지정하는 대상? [[통계,statistics]] [[통계학,statistics]]에선 [[변량,variate]]과 같은 뜻으로 쓰이는 경우가 많음.. - tbw = Twins = https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Variable [[WpKo:변수_(컴퓨터_과학)]] [[WpEn:Variable_(computer_science)]] [[WpEn:Category:Variable_(computer_science)]] https://wiki.haskell.org/Variable ---- MERGETO VG: 변수,variable