번역은 사이드 외에 쪽 측 ....and? ---- Sub: 수학/CS용어로 [[방정식,equation]]([[부등식,inequality]] / [[equality]] =,equality . equality ( [[등식,equality]] or [[상등,equality]] due to KmsE:equality ; [[상등성,equality]]도 가능할 듯. / WtEn:equality )도 마찬가지) [[대입문,assignment_statement]] ([[대입,assignment]] [[statement]] ) 에서 lhs rhs / LHS RHS 는 각각: // =,LHS =,RHS left-hand side / right-hand side left-hand_side / right-hand_side [[WpEn:Sides_of_an_equation]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sides_of_an_equation rel [[test_operator]] =,test_operator =,test_operator . test_operator Up: [[연산자,operator]] WpEn: redir. to WpEn:Relational_operator = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_operator ([[Date(2023-11-09T19:33:08)]]) synonym?? chk WtEn:test_operator WtEn:relational_operator cf. [[equal_sign]] =,equal_sign . equal_sign / chkout [[Srch:equal_sign]] { [[WpKo:등호]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/등호 [[WpEn:Equals_sign]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equals_sign { [[Date(2023-11-09T19:33:08)]] 처음부분: "The '''equals sign''' (British English) or '''equal sign''' (American English), also known as the '''equality sign''', is the mathematical symbol =, which is used to indicate [[equality]] in some well-defined sense.[1] In an equation, it is placed between two expressions that have the same value, or for which one studies the conditions under which they have the same value."} I.E. 기호/부호/sign임. VG: [[부호,sign]] 방정식에서는, 같은 [[값,value]]의 두 [[식,expression]] [[WpJa:等号]] = https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/等号 }