#noindex AKA '''제거''' (논리학) // [[논리학,logic]] 함의 '''소거''' = [[전건긍정,modus_ponens]] [[biconditional_elimination]] { P↔Q일 때 P→Q이면 Q→P이다?? chk //wpko 두 [[명제,proposition]]의 [[동치,equivalence]] WpEn:Biconditional_elimination = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biconditional_elimination WpKo:쌍조건문_소거 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/쌍조건문_소거 https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Biconditional_Elimination "The '''rule of biconditional elimination''' 즉 logic에서 다루는 [[규칙,rule]]의 일종이며, // 용도가 [[추론,inference]]이면 [[추론규칙,inference_rule]]? - Positive, 본문에서 'we may infer' 다음 둘: [[conditional]] ⇒ [[biconditional]] ⇔ 을 다루는 [[valid_argument]] { 타당한 논증? curr at [[논증,argument]] }이다. } [[double_negation_elimination]] DNE ? { [[double_negation]] { WpEn:Double_negation = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_negation } WpEn:Double_negation_elimination } [[cut-elimination]] [[cut-elimination_theorem]] { MKLINK [[시퀀트,sequent]] 시퀀트 계산 [[sequent_calculus]] [[cut_rule]] { 자름? Up: [[규칙,rule]] > [[추론규칙,inference_rule]] } WpKo:자름-제거_정리 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자름-제거_정리 WpEn:Cut-elimination_theorem = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cut-elimination_theorem Up: [[소거,elimination]]? [[정리,theorem]] } ---- (둘 이상의 수식에서 소거란) [[https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=1113593&cid=40942&categoryId=32207 두산백과: 소거 elimination]] - (easy) 두 개 이상의 [[식,expression]]에 공통 문자가 있을 때 그 문자를 포함하지 않는 식을 만드는 과정. ''그럼 [[캔슬레이션,cancellation]] 이랑 동의어?'' ---- [[컴파일러,compiler]]에서 [[common_subexpression_elimination]] { WpEn:Common_subexpression_elimination = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_subexpression_elimination } ---- elimination_theory =,elimination_theory . { elimination theory 소거론 (wk) (we)"'''elimination theory''' is the classical name for algorithmic approaches to [[소거,elimination|eliminating]] some variable s between polynomial s of several variables, in order to solve (systems of polynomial equations)=>[[WpEn:System_of_polynomial_equations]](= polynomial_system = polynomial system)." MKL [[다항식,polynomial]] [[regular_chain]] =,regular_chain . { WpEn:Regular_chain regular+chain } Grobner_basis or Groebner_basis ? { Grobner basis or Groebner basis ? .... WtEn:ö Ndict:ö Ggl:ö Ggl:"움라우트 표기" Ggl:"umlaut ö latin alphabet transliteration" (?? 최적의 검색어 나도 잘 모르겠다) '''Gröbner basis''' Ggl:"Gröbner basis" Naver:"Gröbner basis" 그뢰브너_기저 그뢰브너 기저 or 그뢰프너_기저 그뢰프너 기저 via https://hangulize.org/?lang=deu&word=Gröbner REL: [[Buchberger_algorithm]] =,Buchberger_algorithm =,Buchberger_algorithm . Buchberger_algorithm { Buchberger algorithm "Buchberger algorithm" Ggl:"Buchberger algorithm" Bing:"Buchberger algorithm" Naver:"Buchberger algorithm" } mkl [[F4_algorithm]] =,F4_algorithm . F4_algorithm { Ggl:"F4 algorithm" Ggl:"F4 알고리즘" } Twins: [[MathWorld:GroebnerBasis]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/GroebnerBasis.html [[WpKo:그뢰브너_기저]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/그뢰브너_기저 { 2023-11-07 mentions (MKL) [[단항식,monomial]] [[단항식순서,monomial_order]] WtEn:monomial_order x 2023-11 [[total_order]] ( [[전순서,total_order]] [[전체순서,total_order]]? ) [[totally_ordered_set]] [[toset]] [[전순서집합]] [[전체순서집합]]? [[다항식환,polynomial_ring]] - [[다항식,polynomial]] [[환,ring]] [[아이디얼,ideal]] or [[이데알,ideal]] } https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gröbner_basis https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/グレブナー基底 https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Gröbner_basis http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Gröbner_basis Up: [[기저,basis]] "그뢰브너 기저" Ndict:"그뢰브너 기저" Ggl:"그뢰브너 기저" Ggl:"Groebner basis" / Ggl:"Gröbner basis" .... 차이가 있나 보자 그뢰브너+기저 Gröbner+basis } https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/소거론 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elimination_theory 분야: commutative_algebra and algebraic_geometry (wk,we) elimination+theory } = tmp bmks ko = 피벗과 소거법 (Pivots and Elimination method) : 선형 일차 연립 방정식 : 네이버 블로그 https://blog.naver.com/beaver1659/223020914167 = ?? = [[Naver:소거,elimination]] [[Google:소거,elimination]] MathWorld:Elimination ? x 2023-11