<> = webdev / communication / networking / 이쪽 = webdev에서, [[상태,state]]가 있나 없나로 둘로 구분. [[stateful_connection]] =,stateful_connection =,stateful_connection . stateful_connection [[서버,server]]측에 현재 '''연결'''의 상태가 저장되어 있음. ([[클라이언트,client]]별로 각각 정보가 저장되어 있어야 하니 이게 더 서버 입장에서 부담스러운? Google:stateful_connection ex. TCP, FTP [[stateless_connection]] =,stateless_connection =,stateless_connection . stateless_connection Google:stateless_connection ex. IP, UDP, HTTP (다른 표현은 TCP : connection-oriented protocol, UDP : connection-less protocol) 즉 전자가 [[문맥,context]]을 파악하는데 유리? 후자의 HTTP의 경우 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 [[쿠키,cookie]] [[HTTP쿠키,HTTP_cookie]] ( HTTP_cookie, WpKo:HTTP_쿠키 WpEn:HTTP_cookie )를 사용? rel. [[프로토콜,protocol]]도 여기 connection의 두 분류와 마찬가지로 [[stateful_protocol]] =,stateful_protocol =,stateful_protocol . stateful_protocol [[stateless_protocol]] =,stateless_protocol =,stateless_protocol . stateless_protocol { '''stateless protocol''' WpKo:무상태_프로토콜 WpEn:Stateless_protocol https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stateless_protocol x [[Date(2023-11-18T13:02:53)]] ...''see https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stateless instead'' } 이 있다. curr see https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-stateless-and-stateful-protocol/ // 위에 ex.로 해놓은거 사실 여기에 더 어울리는. 저것들 다 protocols. // = 순수수학 = Ndict:연결 KmsK:연결 KmsE:connection [[connected_set]] =,connected_set . connected_set connected set [[MathWorld:ConnectedSet]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ConnectedSet.html "connected set" KmsE:"connected set" Ndict:"connected set" Ggl:"connected set" https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/connected_set x [[Date(2023-11-18T13:02:53)]] [[connected_space]] =,connected_space . connected_space connected space KmsE:"connected space" 연결공간 [[WtEn:connected_space]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/connected_space [[MathWorld:ConnectedSpace]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ConnectedSpace.html [[WpEn:Connected_space]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_space https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/연결_공간 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/連結空間 [[connectedness_locus]] =,connectedness_locus . connectedness_locus connectedness locus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connectedness_locus ([[Date(2023-11-18T13:02:53)]] 첫문장 "In one-dimensional [[complex_dynamics]] =,complex_dynamics . complex_dynamics { '''complex dynamics''' MathWorld:ComplexDynamics ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_dynamics WtEn:complex_dynamics = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/complex_dynamics x [[Date(2023-11-18T13:02:53)]] / "complex dynamics" Ggl:"complex dynamics" }, the '''connectedness locus''' of a parameterized family of one-variable [[정칙함수,holomorphic_function]] =정칙함수,holomorphic_function =,holomorphic_function 정칙함수 holomorphic_function { '''holomorphic function''' '''정칙함수'''(KMS) via KmsE:"holomorphic function" .... Ndict:정칙함수 ... https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/holomorphic_function x [[Date(2023-11-18T13:02:53)]] .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holomorphic_function MathWorld:HolomorphicFunction "holomorphic function" Ggl:"holomorphic function" }s is a subset of the parameter space which consists of those parameters for which the corresponding Julia set is connected.") == 단순연결 ? / simple connection (n.) / simply connected (adj.) ? CHK == Ggl:"simply connected" Ggl:"simple connection" Ndict:단순연결 Ggl:단순연결 = 그래프이론/네트워크이론에서 = [[경로,path]]가 있으면 연결, 아니면 비연결? chk == Sub == === graph theory === Connected Graph https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ConnectedGraph.html Disconnected Graph https://mathworld.wolfram.com/DisconnectedGraph.html k-Connected Graph https://mathworld.wolfram.com/k-ConnectedGraph.html rel. [[wheel_graph]] =,wheel_graph . wheel_graph { "basic 3-connected graph"[* https://mathworld.wolfram.com/k-ConnectedGraph.html] https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WheelGraph.html ~~WtEn:wheel_graph~~ x [[Date(2023-08-22T21:21:09)]] } ''이거 [[연결성,connectivity]]의 sub인지? 저기로 옮기거나 복사? 일단 여기에 둠.'' === relation === [[관계,relation]] 관련하여 [[connected_relation]] =,connected_relation . connected_relation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_relation ''"Connexity" redirects here.'' =,connexity . {"In math, a [[relation_on_a_set]]{link to: WpEn:Relation_on_a_set ''redir to WpEn:Binary_relation#Homogeneous_relation '' } is called '''connected or complete or total''' // connected_relation = complete_relation or total_relation ... =,complete_relation =,total_relation . if it relates (or "compares") all distinct pairs of elements of the set in one direction or the other while it is called __strongly connected__''( Q1. n. strong_connection ? Q2. 표현이 매우 비슷한 graph theory의 [[strongly_connected_component]]과 비교? )'' if it relates all pairs of elements. As described in the terminology section below, the terminology for these properties is not uniform."} ~~WtEn:connected_relation~~ x [[Date(2023-08-22T21:21:09)]] == 비슷한/관련된 단어 == 같은한국어 '연결'은 link로도 번역가능 link - [[링크,link]] - [[연결,link]] [[논리연결사,logical_connective]] [[연결사,connective]] [[연결성,connectivity]] interconnection ... syn? WtEn:interconnection NdEn:interconnection Google:interconnection Naver:interconnection 번역은? 상호연결 ? ---- rel. [[통신,communication]] [[전송,transmission]] or [[송신,transmission]] and [[수신,reception]] [[전송매체,transmission_medium]] [[송신기,transmitter]] and [[수신기,receiver]] [[채널,channel]] [[메시지,message]] [[바이트스트림,bytestream]] or 바이트흐름? [[네트워크,network]] MV TO [[VG:연결,connection]]