'''자원, resource, 리소스''' ''[[리소스,resource]] page needed?'' // 여기선 일단 computing_resource 에 대해서만 Sub: resource_management =,resource_management . resource_management ( computing_resource 에 대한) { 자원관리 리소스 관리 Sub: memory_management [[WpEn:Resource_management_(computing)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_management_(computing) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_management_%28computing%29 } [[resource_management]] - w (computing 외, [[경제학,economics]] [[게임이론,game_theory]] etc) { 자원관리 Topics: [[fair_division]] - w WtEn:fair_division } Srch:resource_management ... 이상 자원관리 ... resource_allocation =,resource_allocation . resource_allocation { resource allocation 자원할당 자원배정 Sub: [[메모리할당,memory_allocation]] - curr at [[메모리,memory]] [[WpEn:Resource_allocation]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_allocation Up: [[자원,resource]] [[allocation]] Ndict:resource+allocation resource+allocation } [[web_resource]] web_resource =,web_resource . web_resource { web resource 웹 자원|리소스 그 [[식별자,identifier]]로 사용하는 것은: [[URI,Uniform_Resource_Identifier]] [[Uniform_Resource_Identifier]] [[WpKo:웹_리소스]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/웹_리소스 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_resource Up: [[웹,web]] [[자원,resource]] web+resource } starvation resource_starvation { resource starvation 자원 고갈 ? //w(wk+we) concurrent_computing (curr see [[concur]]) 에서 일어나는 문제. scheduling_algorithm , mutual_exclusion_algorithm , 의 error 에서 보통 일어나나 resource_leak , fork_bomb 같은 DoS_attack 에서도 일어날 수 있다. concurrent_algorithm 에서 '''starvation'''이 불가능하다면 그 algorithm 은 "starvation-free, lockout-freed"라고 하거나, " 'finite bypass'를 가졌다 "고 한다. // find: // starvation-free algorithm // lockout-free algorithm // algorithm with finite bypass Cmp: deadlock https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/기아_상태 ( WpKo:자원_고갈 에서 넘어옴) [[WpEn:Starvation_(computer_science)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation_(computer_science) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation_%28computer_science%29 Ndict:"resource starvation" Ggl:"resource starvation" } = Topics = 프로비저닝 provisioning - 시간 변화에 따라 상황에 맞추어 자원을 적절하게 분배하는?? ... Google:provisioning Naver:provisioning [[풀,pool]] - computing에서 자원이 미리 있는 공간? mkl [[풀링,pooling]] ... Ndict:풀링 Ggl:풀링 mkl [[스풀,spool]] ... Ndict:스풀 Ggl:스풀 자원을 놓고 다투는/경쟁하는? [[버스,bus]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_contention mkl: race_condition = Misc = 자원의 형태는 다양한데 대충 생각나는대로 [[시간,time]] 돈 money ... [[경제학,economics]]에서도 언급되는것이고 컴퓨터에선 cpu cycle { ... Ggl:cpu+cycle rel. CPU_time { WpEn:CPU_time ... Ggl:cpu+time } } [[자료,data]] [[정보,information]] 저장 storage [[공간,space]] - [[메모리,memory]] [[디스크,disk]] etc 또 자료 정보 그 자체 (+ [[지식,knowledge]] knowhow [[경험,experience]] ..) ... [[Date(2023-08-11T14:54:31)]] //비슷한 느낌이 있거나 유사성이 있는 것은 econ 쪽에서 [[자산,asset]] - [[애셋,asset]] property [[프로퍼티,property]] (성질 말고 재산) estate - [[이스테이트,estate]]? //note.txt resource 찾아보고 관련된거나열: computing_resource : [[성능,performance]]/걸리는 [[시간,time]]/[[병목,bottleneck]] 은 '''컴퓨팅 자원'''이 충분히 있는가에 달린 (다른 [[설계,design]]([[알고리듬,algorithm]] 등)/profiling/... 등의 [[요인,factor]]도 많지만) 자원 공유? / 공유된 자원 shared_resource 공유자원 https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/공유_자원 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_resource .... 네트워크에서만 쓰는 용어? sub: shared_memory ? resource_initialization resource initialization 자원 초기화 resource initialization module 자원 초기화 모듈 resource_acquisition_is_initialization resource initialization is initialization RAII (we) {"'''RAII''' is a programming_idiom // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_idiom used in several object-oriented, statically-typed programming languages OOPL ( object-oriented_PL object-oriented_language object-oriented_programming_language ), // linked to WpEn:Object-oriented_programming statically-typed_PL ( statically-typed_language statically-typed_programming_language )에서. // linked to WpEn:Statically-typed_programming_language redir to WpEn:Type_system#Static_typing to describe a particular language behavior. In '''RAII''', holding a resource is a class_invariant, // WpEn:Class_invariant = type_invariant ... [[class_invariant]] [[type_invariant]] // type_invariant = class_invariant { ( Cmp: object_invariant , or representation_invariant (see WpEn:Class_invariant ) ) ---- WpEn:Class_invariant = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_invariant } and is tied to object lifetime. // object lifetime object_lifetime WpEn:Object_lifetime = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_lifetime Resource allocation (or acquisition) // linked to resource_allocation [[WpEn:Resource_allocation_(computer)]] is done during object creation (specifically initialization), // object_creation 객체생성 { [[객체,object]] 생성 }(특히 [[초기화,initialization]]) 하는 동안. by the constructor, // [[생성자,constructor]](w)에 의해 while resource deallocation (release) // resource_deallocation resource_release ... Ggl:resource+deallocation resource+deallocation is done during object destruction // Ggl:"object destruction finalization" 차이? and Ggl:"destructor finalizer" (specifically finalization), // rel. finalizer { WtEn:finalizer Ndict:finalizer Ggl:finalizer } by the destructor. // 파괴자? / 소멸자 (wk) [[WpEn:Destructor_(computer_programming)]] WtEn:destructor Ndict:finalizer Ggl:destructor In other words, resource_acquisition must succeed for initialization to succeed. Thus the resource is guaranteed to be held between when initialization finishes and finalization starts (holding the resources is a class invariant), // class_invariant class_invariance and to be held only when the object is alive. Thus if there are no object leaks, // object_leak { object leak ... Ggl:object+leak object+leak } there are no resource leaks. // resource_leak =,resource_leak . resource_leak { resource leak Sub: [[memory_leak]] ... WpEn:자원_누수 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자원_누수 WpEn:Resource_leak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_leak Ggl:resource+leak resource+leak } https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_acquisition_is_initialization Ndict:"resource initialization is initialization" Ggl:"resource initialization is initialization" resource+acquisition+is+initialization computing_ 말고도 system_ 도 있다 system_resource https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/시스템_리소스 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_resource