''pagename too long? [[중앙처리장치,CPU]]라 할까?'' [[프로세서,processor]] [[마이크로프로세서,microprocessor]] { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/마이크로프로세서 } ---- Sub: // by architecture ... CISC / RISC / 등으로 구분 가능 6502 (pagename??) { 6502.org: The 6502 Microprocessor Resource http://www.6502.org/ https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_6502 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_6502 } Z80 { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자일로그_Z80 https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z80 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zilog_Z80 } x86 x86-16 x86-32 x86-64 ARM SPARC M68K / M68000 { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/모토로라_68000 } ... ---- Topics [[마이크로코드,microcode]] =마이크로코드,microcode =,microcode 마이크로코드 microcode { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/마이크로코드 Ggl:마이크로코드 Ndict:마이크로코드 } // 마이크로코드 [[microarchitecture]] =,microarchitecture =,microarchitecture . microarchitecture { 마이크로아키텍처 (wk) 마이크로구조 ...는어떨지?? 마이크로아키텍처 Ndict:마이크로아키텍처 Ggl:마이크로아키텍처 microarchitecture Ndict:microarchitecture Ggl:microarchitecture } 명령어집합구조 ISA instruction_set_architecture [[instruction_set_architecture]] { '''instruction set architecture, ISA''' Up: [[명령어집합,instruction_set]] Rel: [[컴퓨터구조,computer_architecture]] WtEn:instruction_set_architecture } 구성: [[레지스터,register]] [[arithmetic_logic_unit,ALU]] { AKA '''arithmetic unit(AU)''' 사칙연산, 논리연산 등을 수행. } floating-point_unit floating_point_unit 중에? FPU { } [[execution_unit]] =,execution_unit =,execution_unit . execution_unit { [[실행,execution]] [[장치,unit]] ? [[WpEn:Execution_unit]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_unit } [[instruction_unit]] { instruction unit "instruction unit" Ggl:"instruction unit" Naver:"instruction unit" xxx https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/instruction_unit x [[Date(2023-11-25T18:30:15)]] } [[캐시,cache]] instruction_cache mkl: [[instruction_unit]] MIPS { https://bigforest.miraheze.org/wiki/MIPS_%28CPU%29 } RISC CISC instruction - 명령문 명령어 명령 ...중에? instruction_set instruction_cache [[instruction_cycle]] =,instruction_cycle . instruction_cycle { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/명령_주기 (보통 한국어로 [[순환,cycle]]이 아닌 [[주기,period]]로 번역.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instruction_cycle WtEn:instruction_cycle } clock clock_rate WtEn:central_processing_unit = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/central_processing_unit WpKo:중앙_처리_장치 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/중앙_처리_장치 WpEn:Central_processing_unit = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_processing_unit ---- Up: [[장치,unit]] > [[처리장치,processing_unit]] =처리장치,processing_unit =,processing_unit 처리장치 processing_unit { [[graphics_processing_unit]] =,graphics_processing_unit =,graphics_processing_unit . graphics_processing_unit |=,GPU GPU { graphics processing unit REL [[framebuffer]] [[computer_graphics]] [[이미지,image]] [[비트맵,bitmap]] ... https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/graphics_processing_unit https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/그래픽_처리_장치 https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_processing_unit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_processing_unit "graphics processing unit" Ggl:"graphics processing unit" } } = videos en = FOSDEM 23: Learn 8-bit machine language with the Toy CPU emulator - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bei3OAt8wls&t=435s by [[Jim_Hall]] of [[프리도스,FreeDOS]] { https://github.com/freedosproject/toycpu 3:40 [[명령어,instruction]] 10개인 Toy Machine Simulator http://kernighan.com/toysim.html 언급 ( http://kernighan.com/ 에는 [[Brian_Kernighan]] { '''Brian Kernighan'''의 [[책,book]]s들 나열 } // Ggl:"Brian Kernighan" ) 맨 앞은 빈칸. 빈칸이 없는 것은 label인 듯. 예를 들어 {{{ load 1 add 2 store sum print sum stop sum -1 }}} 하면 1+2를 계산. Altair 8800 언급. 8:30 화면에 있는 걸 잠깐 적어보면 {{{ 00000000 STOP 00000001 RIGHT 00000010 LEFT 00001111 NOT 00010001 AND addr 00010010 OR addr 00010011 XOR addr 00010100 LOAD addr 00010101 STORE addr 00010110 ADD addr 00010111 SUB addr 00011000 GOTO addr 00011001 IFZERO addr 10000000 NOP }}} }