aka [[집합set]] REL [[집합론,set_theory]] Sub: empty_set =,empty_set . empty_set [[공집합,empty_set]] - [[VG:공집합,empty_set]] { 빈집합 은 어떨지? WtEn:empty_set } [[nonempty_set]] =,nonempty_set . non-empty_set =,non-empty_set . { nonempty set non-empty set 비공집합? empty_set 이 빈집합이라면 이건 안빈집합 ? http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Non-Empty_Set } singleton / single member set / degenerate set 같은거? CHK { 번역? KmsE:singleton Ndict:singleton Ndict:"singleton set" Ggl:"singleton set 번역" http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Degenerate_Set (Redirected from Single Member Set) [[WpEn:Singleton_(mathematics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_(mathematics) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_%28mathematics%29 (Redirected from WpEn:Singleton_set ) aka "unit set or one-point set" compare [[degenerate_set]] [[degenerate_sequence]] [[degenerate_interval]] .... ([[http://tomoyo.ivyro.net/123/wiki.php/FindPage?action=fullsearch&value=degenerate&context=20&case=1 VG srch degenerate]]) } [[null_set]] { 널집합 ? [[널,null]] 영집합 이라는 번역도 보임. empty_set 과 동의어일 때가 많으나 측도론에선 아님. } //이상 cardinality에 따라? 분류나 순서배열을 지금 할 필요는 없지만 .. [[부분집합,subset]] [[superset]] - pagename?? [[가산집합,countable_set]] - 유한집합 or 가부번집합 [[유한집합,finite_set]] { http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Finite_Set } [[가부번집합,denumerable_set]] [[비가산집합,uncountable_set]] { kms uncountable => https://www.kms.or.kr/mathdict/list.html?key=ename&keyword=uncountable "uncountable set 셀 수 없는 집합, 비가산집합" } [[무한집합,infinite_set]] [[가측집합,measurable_set]] [[열린집합,open_set]] [[닫힌집합,closed_set]] [[clopen_set]] { 열린닫힌집합 or 개폐집합 (wk) // WpKo:열린닫힌집합 (redir.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clopen_set } [[보렐_집합,Borel_set]] - [[VG:보렐_집합,Borel_set]] { [[열린집합,open_set]]s들로부터 가산합집합 / 가산교집합 / 차집합 연산을 가산 번 반복하여 만들 수 있는 집합이 '''Borel set'''이다. (wpko) MKLINK [[보렐_위계,Borel_hierarchy]] WpKo:보렐_집합 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/보렐_집합 } [[사영집합,projective_set]] { WpKo:사영_집합 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/사영_집합 } [[곱집합,product_set]] crisp_set =,crisp_set . crisp_set 전통적인, 일반적인 집합. (바로아래 참조) WtEn:crisp_set rough_set =,rough_set . rough_set rough set 거친집합 ?? WtEn:rough_set (we)"In CS, a '''rough set''' is a formal approximation of a crisp_set (i.e., conventional set) in terms of a pair of sets which give the lower and the upper approximation of the original set. In the standard version of '''rough set''' theory (Pawlak 1991), the lower- and upper-approximation sets are crisp_set s, but in other variations, the approximating sets may be [[퍼지집합,fuzzy_set]]s." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_set [[퍼지집합,fuzzy_set]] =퍼지집합,fuzzy_set =,fuzzy_set . fuzzy_set { fuzzy set WtEn:fuzzy_set = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fuzzy_set MKL [[퍼지함수,fuzzy_function]] [[퍼지논리,fuzzy_logic]] ? =,fuzzy_logic =,fuzzy_logic . fuzzy_logic { WtEn:fuzzy_logic ? rel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_truth - [[진리,truth]]의 [[디그리,degre]]. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/퍼지_논리 Up: [[퍼지,fuzzy]] [[논리,logic]] } "fuzzy set" fuzzy+set Up: [[퍼지,fuzzy]] [[집합,set]] } [[derived_set]] =,derived_set =,derived_set . derived_set { derived set KmsE:"derived set" WtEn:derived_set ? MKL: [[limit_point]] [[perfect_set]] [[accumulation_point]] { tmp see WpKo:집적점 } https://mathworld.wolfram.com/DerivedSet.html https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Derived_Set https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Derived_set [[WpEn:Derived_set_(mathematics)]] "derived set" Ndict:"derived set" } // derived set [[perfect_set]] =,perfect_set . perfect_set { perfect set WtEn:perfect_set ? pppppppppppppssssssssss KmsE:"perfect set" MKL: [[derived_set]] https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Perfect_set Ndict:"perfect set" perfect set} VG: 순서집합,ordered_set - not yet [[순서집합,ordered_set]] =순서집합,ordered_set =,ordered_set . 순서집합 ordered_set { ordered set 순서집합 (KmsE:"ordered set") WtEn:ordered_set Sub: well-ordered_set well-ordered set "a totally ordered set in which every nonempty subset has a least member."(pm) https://planetmath.org/wellorderedset https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WellOrderedSet.html Ggl:"well-ordered set" ( well_order / well_ordering ) totally_ordered_set totally ordered set linearly_ordered_set linearly ordered set //semitwin: https://planetmath.org/totalorder https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TotallyOrderedSet.html Ggl:"totally ordered set" Up: ( total_order / total_ordering / linear_order / linear_ordering / totally_ordered a. / linearly_ordered a. ) { https://planetmath.org/linearlyordered } partially_ordered_set or poset =,partially_ordered_set =,poset . { partially ordered set (or poset) https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartiallyOrderedSet.html Up: ( partial_order / partial_ordering ) { https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartialOrder.html } } [[Mandelbrot_set]] =,Mandelbrot_set . Mandelbrot_set { 망델브로 집합 WtEn:Mandelbrot_set Mandelbrot set 간단한 [[복소평면,complex_plane]]{ '''complex plane, Argand diagram''' https://namu.wiki/w/복소평면 }의 각 [[복소수,complex_number]]들이 간단한 [[recurrence_relation]]을 거쳐 [[발산,divergence]]하는가 [[수렴,convergence]]하는가에 따라 색칠하면 매우 복잡한......? CHK https://namu.wiki/w/망델브로%20집합 Ndict:"Mandelbrot set" Ggl:"Mandelbrot 집합" Ggl:"Mandelbrot set" "Mandelbrot set" [[프랙털,fractal]] { rel [[하우스도르프_차원,Hausdorff_dimension]] } } [[Julia_set]] =,Julia_set . Julia_set { 쥘리아 집합 줄리아 집합 Julia set MKL [[Fatou_set]] =,Fatou_set . Fatou_set { WtEn:Fatou_set WpEn:Fatou_set Ggl:"Fatou 집합" } WtEn:Julia_set Ndict:"Julia set" Bing:"Julia 집합" [[fractal]] } [[bounded_set]] { Srch:bounded_set } [[기약집합,irreducible_set]] - w { =,irreducible_set . irreducible_set WtEn:irreducible_set } .............. ADDHERE [[등위집합,level_set]] or [[레벨집합,level_set]] - curr at [[등위곡선,level_curve]] [[집합연산,set_operation]] = 수학 밖 = == computing / data == [[문자집합,character_set]] == 컴퓨터 하드웨어 esp CPU / [[컴퓨터구조,computer_architecture]] == 명령어집합 instruction_set // Srch:instruction_set set of [[명령어,instruction]] =,instruction . Srch:명령어 Srch:instruction instruction_length 명령어길이 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instruction_set_architecture#Instruction_length [[길이,length]] 명령어집합구조 instruction_set_architecture (ISA) // Srch:ISA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instruction_set_architecture = 영단어 set 의 다른 뜻 = 1. [[셸,shell]]이나 설정 [[스크립트,script]] 등에서 [[명령,command]]이 `set`이면, 2. PL에서 어떤 function/method의 [[식별자,identifier]]가 `set`으로 시작하면, 보통 동사 뜻 '정하다 설정하다 놓다 지정하다 ....' 로 쓰이는 것. 이때는 assign v. 대입하다 와 뜻이 같다. // n. [[대입,assignment]] 1번의 경우 어떤 [[변수,variable]](ex. [[환경변수,environment_variable]])를 설정하거나(configure, set), 바꾸거나(change), ... 2번의 경우 OOP의 [[캡슐화,encapsulation]] 관련. 2번의 경우 set과 대조되는 단어는 get. set / get setter / getter (rel. accessor mutator ) //pagename TBD .......Google:set+get Google:setter+getter Google:setter+getter+accessor+mutator