#noindex 가능한 다른 번역들: '''자료형(data type), '''... 형, 유형, .... (type theory와 무관한 것도 많지만 번역 참고: KmsE:type KpsE:type NdEn:type Ndict:type ... WtEn:type ) [[Date(2023-11-18T02:23:44)]] 페이지 길어져서 편집 불편한데, [typing] 분리할까? [[타이핑,typing]] { page name due to kornorms [[Date(2023-11-18T02:23:44)]]. } <> = type과 data type - TBD... = TBD: [[자료형,data_type]]을 여기와 분리? https://hut.mearie.org/data-type/ WpSimple:Data_type WpKo:자료형 WpEn:Data_type Sub: 추상자료형 추상자료타입 추상데이터형 추상데이터타입 abstract_data_type ADT (pagename TBD) [[범주론,category_theory]] [[범주,category]]가 상위주제이면 여기 '''타입,type'''페이지로 하고 CS > [[data_structure]]가 상위주제이면 '''데이터타입 자료타입 자료형 data_type''' 페이지로 할까? WtEn:type#Noun 10. 보면 data_type 과 동의어? = 여러 타입들 = /// -type [[primitive_type]] =,primitive_type . primitive_type [[primitive_data_type]] =,primitive_data_type . primitive_data_type { '''primitive data type''' "primitive data type" Ggl:"primitive data type" 이건 PL마다 다를텐데 대개 * int [[정수,integer]] - WpKo:정수형 * float - floating_point_number - [[VG:부동소수점,floating_point]] * single precision * double precision // [[정밀도,precision]] * bool - boolean_type? [[boolean_data_type]] ? pagename? * 가능한 값은 둘: true or false [[문자열,string]]은 여기 포함? pl에 따라 다름? JavaScript의 primitive data type : 7개. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Primitive {{{ string number bigint boolean undefined symbol null }}} Semi-twins: https://foldoc.org/primitive opp. [[composite_type]] [[WtEn:primitive_type]] [[WpKo:원시_자료형]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/원시_자료형 [[WpEn:Primitive_data_type]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_data_type } Boolean_data_type: // or boolean_data_type ? Srch:boolean_data_type { literal로는 보통 `true` `false` 를 쓰고 `1 0` 과 구분을 하지 않는 경우도 많고 lisp의 경우 특이하게 `t nil`을 쓰는 듯...? undefined, 0(int), 0.0(float) 등의 일부 값이 false로, 나머지는 true로, 이런게 자주 쓰이는데.. 정확한 명칭 및 rationale? [[WpSimple:Boolean_data_type]] [[WpKo:불리언_자료형]] [[WpEn:Boolean_data_type]] Up: [[불_논리,Boolean_logic]] [[불_대수,Boolean_algebra]] and [[타입,type]] > [[data_type]] } [[자연수타입,natural_number_type]] =자연수타입,natural_number_type =,natural_number_type . natural_number_type { '''natural numbers type''' '''natural number type''' ''일단 정규화때문에 어쩔수없이 pagename은 이랬는데, .........복수형이 better? 당연히 natural language로서의 English 표현은 복수형이 자연스럽다만.'' https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/natural+numbers+type Ggl:"natural numbers type" [[자연수,natural_number]] [[타입,type]] } [[composite_type]] =,composite_type . composite_type [[composite_data_type]] =,composite_data_type . composite_data_type { [[WtEn:composite_type]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/composite_type WpEn:Composite_data_type 이하 동의어들 aka compound_data_type or compound_type composite와 차이? "a composite data type or compound data type is"[* WpEn:Composite_data_type] 에 따르면 동의어같음. https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Compound_data_type aka aggregate_type { aggregate type https://foldoc.org/aggregate+type Bing:"aggregate type" Ggl:"aggregate type" "aggregate type" } 다만 이건 "may also refer to arrays, lists, etc." aka structure ..... [[구조체,struct]]? } // (singular? 가 아닌(primitive 말고, 개수가 항상 한개)) composite/compound/aggregate 에서만 할수있는건뭐가있을지 일단생각나는 대로 나열+추가 (정확하지 않음,chk.) 틀렸으면 그냥 지우지 말고 그 rational 을 적어놓을 것. * traversal * [[반복,iteration]] - [[반복자,iterator]] * [[열거,enumeration]] * [[길이,length]] ≠ 1 (rel. [[크기,size]]) * [[루프,loop]]등에서 [[인덱스,index]]를 사용한 [[접근,acces]] built-in_type builtin_type { WtEn:built-in_type } reference_type WtEn:reference_type [[참조,reference]] [[포인터,pointer]] value_type WtEn:value_type [[값,value]] // 위 둘 WpEn:Value_type_and_reference_type = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_type_and_reference_type [[algebraic_data_type]] { WpKo:대수적_자료형 WpEn:Algebraic_data_type https://foldoc.org/algebraic+data+type (Or "sum of products type") https://wiki.haskell.org/Algebraic_data_type ... Google:algebraic+data+type } [[abstract_data_type]] ADT { MKLINK [[abstract_type]] //바로아래 WpKo:추상_자료형 WpEn:Abstract_data_type ... Google:abstract.data.type } // TODO 위아래 둘 구분 [[abstract_type]] =,abstract_type . abstract_type { 추상타입 ? MKLINK [[abstract_data_type]] //바로위 WtEn:abstract_type = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/abstract_type https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Abstract_type WpEn:Abstract_type = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_type } [[constructed_type]] { https://foldoc.org/constructed+type ... Google:constructed+type Naver:constructed+type } ---- [[문자,character]] 의 '''type''' : character_type or character_data_type { 보통, [[code_point]]를 표현하는 [[수,number]] (esp 0을 포함한 자연수) 와 다루는 방식이 비슷한?? Google:character+data+type } [[문자열,string]] 의 '''type''' : string_type or string_data_type { 일반적으로 PL에서 string이라 하면 character_string (string of character) 를 뜻하고 [[ADT]]로는 .. [[문자,character]]의 [[시퀀스,sequence]] 로 다루는 데 문제없게 concrete_type / data_structure 쪽으로는 i.e. 구체적 [[구현,implementation]]까지 생각하려면 .. [[인덱스,index]]를 사용한 [[접근,access]], [[slicing]] [[concatenation]] 등 각종 [[연산,operation]](i.e. [[문자열연산,string_operation]]), [[dynamic_allocation]]( static_string , string_constant , immutable_string 인 경우 무관), ....등 생각할 게 많은데 Google:string+data+type } [[배열,array]] [[리스트,list]] - [[연결리스트,linked_list]] [[리스트,list]] or 목록? [[튜플,tuple]] [[집합,set]] - pagename: 저건 수학의 집합론의 page로 놔두고 [[세트,set]] [[셋,set]] 은 어떨지? { [[순서,order]] 없음. (unordered) [[WpKo:집합_(추상_자료형)]] [[WpEn:Set_(abstract_data_type)]] } [[disjoint_set]] pagename? or union-find. ... Google:disjoint+set [[해시테이블,hash_table]] aka associative_array ? - WpKo:연관_배열 WpEn:Associative_array aka ... [[딕셔너리,dictionary]] or [[사전,dictionary]]? { key-value 키 = 값 key = value 구조 [[해시테이블,hash_table]]. [[키,key]] [[값,value]] 키를 값에 [[대응,correspondence]]. [[일대일대응,one-to-one_correspondence]] = [[전단사,bijection]]? CHK [[ordered_dictionary]]? ... { ordered dictionary Ndict:"ordered dictionary" Google:"ordered dictionary" Bing:"ordered dictionary" "ordered dictionary" } } = type의 속성들? = [[크기,size]] - in bytes [[길이,length]] OOP가 있을때 parent type, etc = Topics = [[type_casting]] { Forcing a variable to behave as a type other than the one originally intended for it[* Gilmore PHP 4] ... Google:type+casting Naver:type+casting } [[type_coercion]] { coercion 영어사전 => https://dict.naver.com/search.nhn?dicQuery=coercion&query=coercion&target=dic&query_utf=&isOnlyViewEE= 즉 강제시키는것 ... Google:type+coercion Naver:type+coercion } // 위아래 same? [[type_conversion]] [[automatic_type_conversion]] { WpKo:형_변환 ''"type conversion, type casting, type coercion, type juggling" 이것들 같은 거??'' WpEn:Type_conversion ... Google:type+conversion Naver:type+conversion } [[type_variable]] { 타입변수 ? generic type variable = schematic type variable https://foldoc.org/generic+type+variable [[변수,variable]] ... Google:type+variable Naver:type+variable } [[type_assignment]] { [[자유변수,free_variable]] https://foldoc.org/type+assignment [[대입,assignment]]? ... Google:type+assignment Naver:type+assignment } [[type_inference]] { 타입추론 curr at [[추론,inference]] [[Wiki:TypeInference]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?TypeInference https://wiki.haskell.org/Type_inference [[WpEn:Type_inference]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_inference [[WpJa:型推論]] = https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/型推論 ... Google:type+inference Naver:type+inference } [[type_safety]] { 타입안정성 ? 타입안전 ? 타입안전성 ? type_error 를 최소화하거나 막는 aka type_soundness (type [[건전성soundness]]) WtEn:type_safety [[Wiki:TypeSafety]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?TypeSafety WpEn:Type_safety = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_safety https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Type_safety ... Google:Type.Safety Naver:Type.Safety } [[type_error]] { [[WpEn:Type_system#Type_errors]] } [[type_checking]] { 타입체킹 타입검사 ..중에 tbd. compile time에 타입이 검사된다면 static type checking 언어. runtime에 타입이 검사된다면 dynamic type checking 언어. Wiki:TypeChecking = http://wiki.c2.com/?TypeChecking https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Type_checking ... Google:type.checking Naver:type.checking } [[type_compatibility]] { 타입호환 ? 타입호환성 ? aka type_equivalence 타입동등 타입동등성 ? MKLINK 자동형변환/자동형전환/coercion QQQ weak일때는 이게 무난하고 (대신 알 수 없는(silent한) 버그가 생길 수 있고) strong일때는 이게 까다로운 것? https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Type_compatibility ... Google:type.compatibility Naver:type.compatibility } [[type_arithmetic]] =,type_arithmetic . type_arithmetic { type arithmetic 타입산술 ? https://wiki.haskell.org/Type_arithmetic "type arithmetic" Ggl:"type arithmetic" Up: [[타입,type]] [[산술,arithmetic]] } [[타입체계,type_system]] =타입체계,type_system =,type_system . type_system 타입체계 { 타입시스템 타입체계 .... 중 TBD. -> 타입체계 가 가장 무난한 듯 다른 번역들: 자료형 체계 형 체계 .... WtEn:type_system Sub: [[nominative_type_system]] = name-based_type_system = nominal_type_system { contrast with: structural_type_system "s, where comparisons are based on the structure of the types in question and do not require explicit declarations."[* WpEn:Nominal_type_system 첫 문단 마지막 문장] [[WtEn:nominative_type_system]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nominative_type_system AKA: syn. name-based type system, nominal type system WpEn:Nominal_type_system = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominal_type_system WpKo:명목적_자료형_체계 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/명목적_자료형_체계 "명목적 또는 이름 기반 자료형 체계(nominal 혹은 nominative type system)" } [[structural_type_system]] { 구조적 자료형 체계 ? structural_type_system } 위 둘 비교 Wiki:NominativeAndStructuralTyping = http://wiki.c2.com/?NominativeAndStructuralTyping [[unified_type_system]] =,unified_type_system . unified_type_system { unified type system WtEn:unified_type_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_type_system (is redir.) ... Google:unified.type.system Bing:"unified type system" "unified type system" } [[pure_type_system]] { classical pure type systems (CPTS) modal pure type systems (MPTS) WpEn:Pure_type_system = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_type_system https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/pure+type+system ... Google:pure.type.system } [[type_system_design]] =,type_system_design . type_system_design { 타입 시스템 설계 type system design Ggl:"type system design" Naver:"타입 시스템 설계" Ggl:"타입 시스템 설계" } MKL [[타입이론,type_theory]] Twin: [[Wiki:TypeSystem]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?TypeSystem https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Type_System https://wiki.haskell.org/Research_papers/Type_systems [[WtEn:type_system]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_system https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자료형_체계 [[WpEn:Type_system]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_system system의 번역을 시스템 체계 ... 중에 뭐로? [[시스템,system]] ...? 체계? } // type system Ggl:"type system" [[type_scheme]] =,type_scheme . type_scheme { '''type scheme''' [[스킴,scheme]]? https://foldoc.org/type+scheme https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_scheme x 2024-1 } // type scheme ... Google:type.scheme Naver:"type scheme" [[type_synonym]] =,type_synonym . type_synonym { '''type synonym''' https://wiki.haskell.org/Type_synonym [[C언어]]에선 `typedef`. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_synonym x 2024-1 } // type synonym ... Ggl:"type synonym" [[type_annotation]] =,type_annotation . type_annotation { '''type annotation''' 'type hint'? [[애너테이션,annotation]] 명시적으로: manifest_typing ... http://wiki.c2.com/?ManifestTyping 암시적으로: implicit_typing ... http://wiki.c2.com/?ImplicitTyping http://wiki.c2.com/?ArgumentsAgainstTypeIndicators http://wiki.c2.com/?TypeDefinitionsSmellBadly https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_annotation x 2024-1 } // type annotation ... Google:type+annotation Naver:type+annotation [[type_signature]] (= type_annotation (wpen)) =,type_signature . type_signature { '''type signature''' MKLINK [[method_signature]] { WpEn:Type_signature#Method_signature rel. [[function_prototype]] } Twin https://wiki.haskell.org/Type_signature [[WpEn:Type_signature]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_signature "type signature or type annotation" Zeta:타입_시그니처 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_signature x 2024-1 } // type signature ... Google:type.signature Naver:"type signature" Bing:"type signature" [[type_class]] =,type_class . type_class | =,typeclass typeclass { '''type class''' AKA '''typeclass''' (via WtEn:typeclass ) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_class "(programming) A type system construct that supports ad hoc polymorphism (independent of the type_hierarchy), first pioneered in Haskell."([[Date(2024-01-13T02:40:22)]]) [[WpEn:Type_class]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_class [[타입,type]] [[클래스,class]]?? [[부류,class]]? } // type class ... Google:type.class Naver:type.class [[type_family]] =,type_family . type_family { '''type family''' 타입족 ? [[WpEn:Type_family]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_family [[패밀리,family]]? [[족,family]]? } // type family ... Ndict:"type family" 보면 활자에서도 쓰임. / Naver:"type family" / Ggl:"type family" [[type_constructor]] =,type_constructor . type_constructor { '''type constructor''' [[생성자,constructor]]?? [[WpEn:Type_constructor]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_constructor https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/type_constructor x 2024-1 } // type constructor ... Google:type.constructor Naver:"type constructor" ---- [[principal_type]] { https://foldoc.org/principal+type ... Google:principal+type Naver:principal+type } [[subtype]] { 서브타입 서브타이핑 (subtyping : aka [[subtype_polymorphism]] or [[inclusion_polymorphism]] - [[다형성,polymorphism]]의 일종, via [[WpEn:Polymorphism_(computer_science)]]) https://foldoc.org/subtype [[WtEn:subtype]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/subtype "[[subclass]]에 의해 표현되는 data type." opp. [[supertype]]? ... Google:subtype Naver:subtype } [[subtyping]] =,subtyping =,subtyping . subtyping { curr see also [[다형성,polymorphism]] WtEn:subtyping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subtyping Ggl:subtyping } [[supertype]] =,supertype =,supertype . supertype { [[WtEn:supertype]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/supertype "The data type represented by a superclass." WpEn:supertype ? ... Google:supertype } subtype and supertype { ... Google:subtype+supertype } [[recursive_type]] =,recursive_type . recursive_type [[recursive_data_type]] { recursive type recursive data type [[재귀,recursion]] 바로아래 [[inductive_type]]과 비교. https://www.pls-lab.org/en/Recursive_Types [[WpEn:Recursive_data_type]] ... Google:recursive.type } [[inductive_type]] =,inductive_type . inductive_type [[inductive_data_type]] { [[귀납,induction]]? - VG 귀납,induction 바로위 [[recursive_type]]과 비교. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductive_type mentions [[structural_induction]] =,structural_induction . structural_induction { WpEn:Structural_induction = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_induction } ... Google:inductive.type } [[product_type]] { [[곱,product]]? [[WpEn:Product_type]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_type https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/product+type ... Google:product+type } [[quotient_type]] { [[몫,quotient]]? [[WpEn:Quotient_type]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotient_type ... Google:Quotient+type } [[sum_type]] { WpEn:Sum_type redir to WpEn:Tagged_union ... Google:sum.type } [[phantom_type]] { https://wiki.haskell.org/Phantom_type ... Google:phantom+type } [[top_type]] { WpEn:Top_type = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_type Wiki:TopType = http://wiki.c2.com/?TopType ... Google:Top.type } [[refinement_type]] =,refinement_type . refinement_type { "refinement type" [[WpEn:Refinement_type]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refinement_type .... Bing:"refinement type" Ggl:"refinement type" "refinement type" } [[dependent_type]] =,dependent_type . dependent_type { 타입의 정의가 [[값,value]]에 달린 dependent type [[WpEn:Dependent_type]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/dependent+type ... Google:dependent.type } [[return_type]] { rel // via Srch:return [[펑션,function]]의 [[return_value]]는 대개 [[결과,result]] [[값,value]] [[메소드,method]] WpEn:Return_type = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_type "the return type (or result_type) defines and constrains the data type of the value returned from a subroutine or method." ... Google:Return.type } ---- /// -typing [[typing]] =,typing =,typing . typing { 타이핑 ?? 번역은? NdEn:typing Ndict:typing Ggl:"typing 뜻" Ggl:"typing 번역" https://wiki.haskell.org/Typing } [[static_typing]] =,static_typing =,static_typing . static_typing { [[Wiki:StaticTyping]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?StaticTyping ... Google:static.typing Naver:static.typing Up: [[스태틱,static]] } [[dynamic_typing]] =,dynamic_typing =,dynamic_typing . dynamic_typing { [[duck_typing]] =,duck_typing =,duck_typing . duck_typing 덕 타이핑 ... 이 최선? 오리 타이핑 ... 도 문제 없을텐데? rel. [[외연성,extensionality]] [[duck_test]] Twins: [[WtEn:duck_typing]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/duck_typing [[WpSp:Duck_typing]] = https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing [[WpEn:Duck_typing]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing Ndict:"duck typing" Naver:"duck typing" Ggl:"덕 타이핑" Ggl:"define: duck typing" [[Wiki:DynamicTyping]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?DynamicTyping ... Google:dynamic.typing Naver:dynamic.typing Up: [[다이내믹,dynamic]] } // 아래 둘은 type_strength ...라는 개념으로 분류가능. https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Type_strength 에 따르면 PL들은 strongly typed / weakly typed / untyped 셋으로 구분. // 아래 둘 비교. https://wiki.python.org/moin/StrongVsWeakTyping [[weak_typing]] =,weak_typing =,weak_typing . weak_typing { weak typing [[WtEn:weak_typing]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/weak_typing "A system that does not place any restriction on the interactions between objects of different data types." ([[Date(2023-11-18T02:22:09)]]) [[Wiki:WeakTyping]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?WeakTyping ... "weak typing" Google:weak.typing Naver:weak.typing aka loose typing = loose_typing } [[strong_typing]] =,strong_typing =,strong_typing . strong_typing { strong typing [[WtEn:strong_typing]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/strong_typing "A system that places any of various kinds of restriction on the interactions between objects of different data types." ([[Date(2023-11-18T02:22:09)]]) [[Wiki:StrongTyping]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?StrongTyping ... "strong typing" Google:strong.typing Naver:strong.typing } [[soft_typing]] { http://wiki.c2.com/?SoftTyping ... Google:soft.typing Naver:soft.typing } weak/strong, static/dynamic을 비교한 사분면은 typing_quadrant { https://wiki.c2.com/?TypingQuadrant ... https://www.google.com/search?q=Typing+Quadrant } [[Hindley-Milner]] { Hindley-Milner type system rel. [[타입추론,type_inference]] - curr at [[추론,inference]] [[WtEn:Hindley-Milner_type_system]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Hindley-Milner_type_system [[WpEn:Hindley–Milner_type_system]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindley–Milner_type_system ... Google:Hindley-Milner Naver:Hindley-Milner "Hindley-Milner type system" } = function to get type = ... pagename ? Ggl:"getting type" ? Ggl:"get type function" .. [[Zeta:함수_type()]] = QQQ = C의 void는 type인가? type이 없다는 것을 명시하는 specifier인가? = (type theory의 type 말고) = [[file_format]] [[file_type]] 혹은 data encoding/decoding 그쪽에 가까운 == content type / Content-Type == [[Content-Type]]? or [[content_type]]? Zeta:HTTP_헤더_Content-Type Ggl:"Content-Type" == media type / MIME type == media_type MIME_type Ggl:"media type mime type" rel. MIME { Srch:MIME Zeta:MIME } = MISC = [[C언어]](+ 거기서 유래한 C++) 표준 types 이름을 _t suffix 로 하는 관례가 있다. 그냥 int long ...을 쓰는 것보다 확실히 명확함. * size_t * ssize_t * ptrdiff_t * 그러고보니 유닉스도. * pid_t * uint8_t ....이건 size([[비트,bit]] 수)가 확실히 명확함. 이게 너무 늦게 C 표준에 추가된 듯 싶다, 요새 언어는 이걸 기본 탑재하고 나오는 추세. Rust 등 * Delphi인가 Pascal인가 Object_Pascal인가 거기선 T suffix 붙이는 것을 보았고 MFC에서 클래스는 C prefix 붙이고 (hungarian notation같은) identifier name에 뭔가를 수식하는 관습을 최대한 버리려고 노력한(? 내생각) C#이지만 [[인터페이스,interface]]를 에서는 I prefix 로 시작하는 관습이... chk 갈수록 prefix/suffix notation/convention같은것 배제하고 클래스/타입 이름은 대문자로 시작하는, 인스턴스/변수 이름은 소문자로 시작하는 것으로 구분하는게 그냥 대세인듯(보기 편하니까? readability) 이상 conventions는 sigil로 명확히 구분 가능한 PL에서는 의미가 없는 듯 싶고 아무튼 이런거 나중에 모으거나 정리하거나 삭제하거나. = MKLINK = [[클래스,class]] [[인스턴스,instance]] 인스턴스화 instantiation ? - [[인스턴스화,instantiation]] - 보통 Object instantiation [[연산자,operator]]는 {{{new}}}. 이거 C++에서 유래? chk [[구조체,struct]] [[변수,variable]] [[펑션,function]] - return type return_type [[상수,constant]] [[객체,object]] [[first-class_object]] [[값,value]] ADT abstract_data_type - WpKo:추상_자료형 [[자료구조,data_structure]] - WpKo:자료_구조 Namu:자료구조 [[collection]] [[상속,inheritance]] = .NET System.Type class = isa [[클래스,class]] Type 클래스 (System) | Microsoft Learn https://learn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/dotnet/api/system.type?view=net-8.0 rel [[반영,reflection]] = Misc, Etc = type은 활자를 뜻하기도 함. 특히 앞에 movable이 붙으면 의미가 확실해짐. [[활자,movable_type]] Srch:활자, OpenGL types : https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/OpenGL_Type ---- Twins: https://narucode.org/0/타입 https://foldoc.org/type Zeta:자료형 분류: 프로그래밍언어론([[프로그래밍언어,programming_language]] [[이론,theory]]), [[타입이론,type_theory]], ...