#noindex ##====피처,feature =,feature . 피처 feature 가능한 번역: [[특징,feature]] [[특성,feature]] 도 가능 다음 번역도 있음: [[특성,characteristic]] [[특성,property]] ---- Sub: [[feature_vector]] ---- (from Kwak slide - ml basics 였나? - p67) Feature – A set of variables believed to carry characterizing information about an object under consideration • Feature vector – A collection of $d$ features, ordered in some meaningful way into a d-dimensional column vector, that represents the signature of the object to be identified • Feature space – The d-dimensional space in which the feature vector lies – A d-dimensional vector in a d-dimensional space constitutes a point in that space ML에서의 뜻은 다음 참조. https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/glossary?hl=ko#feature 즉 [[예측,prediction]]하기 위한 입력 변수. 이 밑으로 이어서 다음 단어에 대한 설명도 있음: feature_cross feature_engineering feature_extraction feature_set feature_spec feature_vector = wikiadmin = page name via kornorms "피처신디케이트 feature syndicate"