array의 길이는 array_length가 아니라 sizeof를 사용. php는 array에 associative_array (key-value pair; curr see [[해시,hash]]) 기능을 모두 넣??? 다음 함수가 있음 array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_pad - resize. array_walk array_reverse array_flip array_merge array_slice array_splice shuffle reset - rewind the internal pointer of the array back to the 1st element end - moves the pointer to the last position of the array each next prev count array_count_values sort rsort - reverse order sort. asort - "array indexes maintain their original association with the elements regardless of the new position the element assumes" ??? arsort ksort - key에 따라 krsort usort - based on your own predefined criteria uasort uksort ---- Up: [[PHP_language]] [[배열,array]]