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These pages share a similar word...

  1. 가상_콘솔,virtual_console
  2. 개체무결성제약조건entity_integrity_constraint
  3. 귀결,consequence
  4. 기체상수,gas_constant
  5. 논리결과,logical_consequence
  6. 논리상수,logical_constant
  7. 논리일관성,logical_consistency
  8. 무결성제약조건integrity_constraint
  9. 보존,conservation
  10. 상수,constant
  11. 상수함수,constant_function
  12. 일관성,consistency
  13. 자음,consonant
  14. 제약조건constraint
  15. 참조무결성제약조건referential_integrity_constraint
  16. 플랑크_상수,Planck_constant
  17. 후건,consequent

These pages share an initial or final title word...

  1. consent
  2. conspicuous
  3. conspicuously

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